Kamis, 04 Oktober 2018

Story Board for Reading Skill

Story Board Reading

Unit 1: Remember your Experience!

Teks/ Presentasi
Silabus/ Kalender
Instructional Method


Reading Recount Text about the experience.

ü  Definition of recount text.
ü  Social Function.
ü  Generic Structure.
ü  Language Features.
ü  The example of  Recount Text about experience.

Beach and the activity on the beach.

ü  Example short story about  recount text.


1 week

ü  Kementrian dan Kebudayaan 2017: Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa B.Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Revisi catatan kedua Jakarta.
ü  Youtube.com

ü  My mother saw beautiful  scenery with binoculars.

Cooperative Learning (Think-Pair-Share)

Teaching Material of Recount Text


·         Definition of the recount text:
Recount text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the readers. There is no complications among the participants and that differentiates from narrative text. A recount text has an orientation, a series of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events, and a reorientation that “rounds off” the sequence of events.

·         Social function of the recount text:
to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

·        Language Features of the recount text:
1.      Introducing  personal  participant; I, my group, etc.
2.      Using chronological connection; then, first, etc.
3.      Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc.
4.      Using action verb; look, go, change, etc.
5.      Using simple past tense.

·        When writing the recount text you should:
1.       Focus on individual people i.e. use the words, I or we, my group, my family etc.
2.       Use words which indicate when (e.g. after lunch) and where the events took place (e.g. in the shed).
3.       Write in the past tense e.g. had, visited.
4.       Use action words e.g. went, helped.

·          Generic Structures of the recount text:
1.      Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time or it gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
2.      Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past.
3.      Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story or  a personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

·        The Example of Recount Text:

Holiday on the Beach

Last month, my family and I went to the beach. We went holiday at Sunday. We went to there by car. In my journey, I saw many building at the way. We also saw beautiful view like mountains, trees, birds and many more near of the beach. After we arrived in the beach, we drove a boat to enjoy view in the beach. My brother played football while I were playing with the sand. My mother saw beautiful  scenery with binoculars while my father eating the burger. After that, we opened some foods and drinks and enjoyed it together. Before we go home, we took  a picture together to capture the moment. Finally, we went home in the evening.

·        The Video about Short Story of Recount Text:

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