Kamis, 18 Oktober 2018

Story Board for Speaking Skill


Unit 1: Tell your Idea!

Teks/ Presentasi
Silabus/ Kalender
Instructional Method


Conversation activity (Speaking Skills) about Asking or Giving opinion

ü  Definition of Asking or Giving Opinion
ü  Social Function.
ü  Expression for Asking and Giving Opinion
ü  Agreeing and Disegreeing with an Opinion
ü  The example of conversation about Asking and Giving Opinion

Conversation of two people for Asking or Giving Opinion

English Conversation Skills about Asking and Giving Opinion


1 week

ü  Kementrian dan Kebudayaan 2017: Buku Guru dan Buku Siswa B.Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X Revisi catatan kedua Jakarta.
ü  Youtube.com

ü  I think you shouldn’t rush into any decision.

Cooperative Learning (Communicative Langguage Teaching - CLT)

Teaching Material of Asking and Giving Opinions

v  Definition of Opinion:

Opinion is including the words of opinion and argument/reasons. Opinion dialogue is a dialog consists of two persons or more who have opinion each others. It can use the expressions, such as in my opinion, in my view, I think etc.  Argument dialogue is a dialog that states the arguments or reasons. It can use the words such as first, second, etc for arranging arguments.

v  Social Function:

Maintain interpersonal relationship with teachers, friends, and others.

v  Expressions for Asking and Giving Opinions:

1.   Asking Opinion
What do you think of?
Have you got any comments on...
What do you think about?
Do you have any idea?
What is your opinion?
Do you have any opinion on?
Why do they behave like that?
Would you give me your opinion on?
Do you think it’s going?
What is your reaction to...
How do you like?
What is your opinion about?
How was the trip?
What are your feeling about?
How do you think of Raka’s idea?
What are your views on?

2.   Giving Opinion
I think I like it.
From my point of view.
I don’t think I care for it.
I think that...
I don’t think it’s good/nice/terrific...
What I’m more concerned with...
I think that awful/not good/terrible...
What I have in my mind is...
I don’t think much of it.

In my opinion, I would rather.

v  In General Expressions Asking and Giving Opinions

What do you think?
Well, I think...
What your opinions about?
In my opinion I think...
How do you feel about?
I feel that we should...
What is your reaction to that?
My reaction is that we should...
Any comments, Berlyn?
May I make a comment on that?

v  Agreeing with an Opinion
·         Of course.
·         This is absolutely right.
·         I agree with this opinion.
·         I couldn't agree more.
·         I agree with what you are saying.
·         I agree, I never thought of that.
·         Neither do I.
·         That's a good point.
·         I think so too.

v  Disagreeing with an Opinion

·         I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
·         I am not sure I agree with you.
·         I don't agree with you.
·         I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
·         I do not believe that.
·         By this I mean.....
·         I disagree with you.
·         I think you are wrong.
·         That's not the same thing at all.
·         It is not justified to say so.
·         I am not convinced that.....
·         I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....

v  Example of Agree and Disagree with Some Statements

Children below 17
should be given right to drive a motorcycle
I agree with your opinion
I don't agree with you,
it is forbidden to let children under 17 to drive a motorcycle
Parents must giving smartphone to their children
I couldn't agree more with you.
I think it would be harmful to let children use smartphone. Because there are so much bad influence on the internet.
The novel version of Twilight is better than its film
Yes, I agree. The novel version had a many details of story hidden from the film.
That's not the same thing at all.
Instant noodle is good for your health.
I agree with what you are saying.
I am afraid that i have to disagree with you, because instant noodle have many chemical things inside it.
Smoking should be banned in public places.
I totally agree that smoking should be banned in public places.
I am sorry but I tend to disagree with you on this.

v  Example of Asking and Giving Opinion Conversation

Nina: What is your opinion about my picture?
Nana: Wow! Amazing! I think it is very beautiful and colorful. I think you talent as a Painter or designer.
Nina: Thank you. By the way have you finished your homework?
Nana: Not yet. I have a problem about it. Can you help me?
Nina: Ok. No Problem. What do you think of English lesson?
Nana: I think English lesson is difficult. What about you?
Nina: I think English lesson is easy because it’s one of my favorite lesson.
You can download this PDF about Asking and Giving Opinion:

Or you can watch this PPT about Asking and Giving Opinion: 

v  This is the video about English Conversation Skills about Asking and Giving Opinions:

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